Friday, January 14, 2011

never thought id see

an amish down syndrome kid at the hospital. First off, is he able to make his own decisions about his religions/beliefs? does he REALLY want to have a bullcut and wear that hideous periwinkle and black get up?

and lastly... can you imagine rumspringa for him? party down. the window licking would be out of control.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Damn you Facebook

I want nothing to do with the new profile, and now you switched me over. The end.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


- I'm hating the snow. wishing i could move to Arizona;however, im "a hispanic" and Im scared of getting shot.

- im in school...sleeping through class just like old times. I have narcolepsy and im proud of it.

- im procrastinating packing up my apt and moving again. But knowing that I have hired a moving company makes me feel a bit more at ease. I just hate throwing away my high school bras/matchbooks from Vegas/old mail = clutter. I'm a hoarder without the dead cat carcasses.

- im glad i have brownie around to make me work out. and it also helps that there is a fat person show on TV every night im at the gym. Biggest Loser, I used to be fat , etc. Man boobs= higher resistance on the eliptical.

-I enjoy messing with the thermostat at work. If you suddenly need a sweater or youre sweating so much you want to answer phone calls naked, its me . I get pleasure out of peoples expression as they walk in the office and say "ITS FUCKING HOT IN HERE" or "my god, im freezing!" and do the classic rubbing their hands together and breathing on them... suckers.

-i love buying clearance doggy t-shirts and pajamas from past holidays and forcing my dogs to parade around in them. reason #245 why dogs attack humans.

this time of the month


I gain 2 lbs and O.D. on ibuprofen.
the upside?

One more month confirmed that another bastard child will not be brought into this world.

everyone, breathe a sigh of relief with me.

I want a new toy!

So everyone jumped ship and went to the DRIOD.  I've been looking @ them for a while, but I'm kinda scared to leave the comfort of my Crackberry and BBM. But it's always fun have something new, I'm soooo nervous for the screen keyboard. Oh well it's just a phone. So which one to get?  Samsung Mesmerize or the HTC Desire?

Why Hello There......

Ok, sorry the blog has been MIA, we've been busy. Where to start, where to start. 2011 has brought many changes. First of all I'm actually working out AND I like it. Before I would workout I would dread it and be like WTF is this done yet, but now I look forward to going to the gym. I just wish I wouldn't beat myself up if I miss a night, bc going there is consuming all my nights after work, I feel like I never have down time. Also, I'm in school again. Holy shit. This feels different this time as well. Maybe bc I'm approaching the big 3-0 and realize I need to get this shit done, but all I know it's time. So one night class and one online class. They don't seem so tedious bc M is taking them with me, so we shall see. Other than that, just trying to take one day @ a time and learn as I go.