Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the eminem tour

Paul took me on the Eminem tour this weekend--- first to Em's grandma's house on Shady Lane where he grew up (why he named himself slim shady), then to Gilbert's Lounge, which he raps about in his songs, the nasty diner that he used to work at before he made it big. Seeing all of this and visiting the 7-11 on Shady Lane made me want to spit some rhymes yo. After our Eminem tour I got to see some of the most horrific sights in my life- we drove through Detroit. Every corner consisted of a chicken and fish shack, check cashing/loans, lottery and liquor stores, and then weave salons. Drunk bums just walk in the middle of the road, (not at crosswalks) and I basically prayed for my life everytime we hit a red light. I'm so blessed to be raised in a normal household, away from poverty and scum like this city has to offer. It was more heartbreaking than anything. I did appreciate the porcelin toilet under the overpass, and the mattresses scattered along the sides of the road. Oh dirty Deeeetroit.

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