Thursday, September 15, 2011

Completely unacceptable

Inmate in clinic today has a hypoglycemic event while being checked in- his glucose was 37. Clearly this man is a diabetic. What kills me about this is that he probably got woken up at 5am to drive all the way here from Waupun, to then sit in a holding cell in the hospital until his clinic appointment came up.

Theres no excuse for this. Does anyone feed this man breakfast, check his blood sugars, or even care about his health? Yes, he's in prison. But hes not an animal. And even better? The nurse refused to deal with his "event" and got really snooty about it.

This hurt my feelings almost as badly as the homeless man who wanted one extra free sample of kielbasa at copps the other day. the old bag refused, saying it was "store policy". Bitch please. Where is your heart?

Am I completely off? Or should I quit being so naive and realize that these people are in these positions for the poor choices they made in their past?

1 comment:

  1. Well, Diabetes isn't always a poor choice in the past, granted that drinking a case of mountain dew a day can make you diabetic in short order, but ya never know he could have been born Diabetic, and some people are just generally afraid of "prisoners". the other guy is probably homeless because he won't lay off the sauce, then again i don't know that for sure, but ya know, I take everything in the world with a grain of salt, you can't take life too seriously, or you'll never get out of life.
