Thursday, September 1, 2011

The traffic headache begins today

This just shows that it always comes down to money.
I pay $800 a year to park half a mile away from my job. Sounds ridiculous, but they have to get the money somewhere so they can afford our CEO's $650k a year paycheck.

ESPN paid our university bundles of money to have a Thursday night football game, the first in 11 years. This causes a major traffic headache for all involved. Since the game starts at 7pm, people will be rolling in around 4pm to start tailgating- in OUR parking lots that we use for work. So its been announced that we need to leave our parking ramp at 5pm today or we will be ticketed/towed.
F you UW madison! i pay way too much a year in the first place for you to kick me out of my parking stall, which is a 10 minute walk away from my place of work.
I decided to come in to work at 7, and will leave at 330 to hopefully avoid the traffic. the best part of this whole story? The silly freshman kids are still moving into their dorms, so their parents with their minnesota/michigan/great lakes license plates are causing horrible traffic jams and driving the wrong way down one way streets.

Avoid downtown madison if you can. im begging you. please.

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