Thursday, September 1, 2011

"its not our jurisdiction"

Another public service announcement for the day:

If you suddenly fall ill/pass out/die/have a heart attack in our hospital's parking ramp, you must call 911- we cannot help you. Even though we are a mere 30 feet from you.

We had a patients sister call this morning, frantic because her sister was projectile vomiting (think the Excorcist) and having a seizure on the top floor of our parking ramp. Medical Reponse refused to get a doctor up there because its out of our jurisdiction. So in turn, 911 had to be called... cops, ambulance, fire truck, the whole kitten caboodle.

It takes minutes for the EMT's to arrive. (i know because sara and I were first responding last week and beat the ambulance by a longshot) and in that time the patient couldve definitely been a goner.

Talk about pawning off the BS on the cops. soooo ridiculous. Everyone, please dont die in the ramp because "WE cant help you."

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