Sunday, June 19, 2011

What happened to my top 8?

Today im sitting here in a cowboy shirt and my brand new blush pumps (i need to break them in) wondering about my top 8/myspace.

It seems like yesterday that I had 850 "friends" , and my top 8 was like religion to me. And when someone bumped me from their number 1 spot, to their number 2 spot, I was just crushed.

Honestly, none of that shit matters anymore. People don't want to look at pictures that you took of yourself, and they dont want to see your personalized page with screamo music on it and a sparkly avatar of a brat doll that looks like you. My real friends know where I am and how to find me. To you people who are myspacing and facebooking-- you think its cool to have 500 friends. Think of that as 500 stalkers. No one really cares what you're doing, they just want to see you have a bad day. or have drama in your life. they want to see you fall.

I'd rather live my life without people passing judgement on my status updates. I realize I write on this blog, and it could be more personal than my facebook. But this is the only place I can really get my thoughts out, without caring how many thumbs up I get next to my post.

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