Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chaos on Cardinal

10pm: My mom is clucking on the phone with her sister, the nightly call where they talk about nothing for 35 minutes, and its the most important 35 of her day. If the dogs bark, or there are loud noises during this exclusive phone call, she gets pissed. cue Judy gossiping.

1002pm: Some douchebag 16 year old is driving around the block about 80 mph in a fast and furious mobile. the muffler is loud enough to make my ears bleed. Now the dogs bark.

1003: My mom is waving her one accessible hand back and forth and making sourpuss faces to get me to shut up the dogs. But i let them bark, because her antics crack me up. My dad, dressed in jack daniels sleeppants and a flannel,comes running up the stairs and out the door. He is shouting at the little shits who are now doing donuts outside our house in the FFmobile and they have a giant spotlight that they are shining in our windows, and our neighbor's windows (who happens to be the high school art teacher. Coincidence?Nope.)

1005: Now my mom is really pissed and is shouting at sister mary on the phone over the dogs who are in full panic mode due to spotlight in our windows. I look out the window and see my dad shaking his fist and chasing this car down the street. oh shit.

1006: my dad runs in , opens the door and says " CALL PO-LICE. THOSE F-ERS HAVE A ESSPOTLITE MARISA CALL POLICEEE" I just keep laughing , dogs are running laps through the house now.

1008: McFarland PD squad comes flying down Cardinal (i swear i didnt call them) and my dad is still standing at the end of the driveway cheering on the cop as he pulls over the FFmobile outside the "lesleys" house.

For all of the excitement this caused my mom, dad, and dogs, I applaud these snot-nosed teenagers, because they totally made my day. And gave my dad something to peek out the window for.

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