Wednesday, July 27, 2011

breakups and death everywhere. WTF 2011?

Is it just me, or has this been the strangest/worst year in a while? Forecast for the whole year should've been Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.

Divorces are as common as HPV, people are dying left and right ( I lost my last two grandparents, one after another), random babies being born, and on top of that, everything is so damn dramatic.

I think God/Buddha/whoever you are up there is preparing us for December 21,2012. You will all be able to find me on a fault line aka Las Vegas. I plan to be drunker than a skunk while I meet my demise and plummet into the earth's core.

I will leave all of my valuables to my dog, Tequila. Because if anyone survives the Apocalypse, It'll be her.

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