Monday, July 25, 2011

family birthdays are my favorite days of the year. We get 5 days a year where we laugh until we cry, we talk about childhood memories, and my mom ALWAYS tell us the story of how we're born. (I was born on Labor Day Weekend in a room with clouds on the ceiling and nearly slid out onto the table at my PCP's office in mcfarland sooo my dad had to rush her to the hospital in his pimp daddy monte carlo with the swivel seats.) Today was my brother Tony's birthday. We grilled out, which usually happens 3 out of the 5 bdays a year. Since its tony's bday, cesar always has his shirt off and walks around with knives. Dont know why. Then after we eat its gift opening time, where my dad always shakes the box/bag and yells "es a DeeVeeDeeeee". This year Tony got a gift card to the Granola Factory aka Willy st coop as ces calls it, and a ton of penzeys spices. Even though his hair was falling in his bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep, i could tell he was excited. He never asks for much, but deserves the world. He would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it. So happy birthday Tony aka tony baloney, tonches,fry guy, antonio. Your family and keila and jenkins love the shit out of your granola hippie ass.

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