Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sara and I pull up to McD's this morning in desperate need of coffee. I tell her I want a large Vanilla iced coffee. She wants a sugar free iced coffee. She asks me , you want sugar free? I say no, I want it WITH sugar. The vanilla syrup has sugar in it already.

"Yeah Hi can I get a large.... Vanilla iced coffee WITH SUGAR please? And a medium sugar free iced coffee?"

So basically we order a sweetened coffee drink with extra shots of sugar.

This reminds me of when my mom let us loose over the summer with my dependable brother as our babysitter. I was making sugar free kool-aid (it already had the sugar in it, so you could just add water. instant diabetes!) So me being smart, I added a cup of sugar because I wanted kool-aid with SUGAR in it!

the result was horrendous. So I took the leftover kool-aid and tried to dye my hair with it. Such an 80's thing. And of course that didnt work because I wasn't blessed with blonde hair.

I shouldve stuck to snorting pixie sticks.

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