Thursday, May 20, 2010

back from sick leave

And ive got plenty to rant about.

I spent 2 days on my couch... sweating like a sow at the county fair. snotting everywhere, and crying because I was lonely and feeling bad for myself. Mainly because the one person I needed most was an ocean away from me. But my mom saved the day, and stopped by with flowers and spongebob soup. (which, if you know me , spongebob shaped stuff tastes better than regular) She initially refused to give me a hug, but I attacked her when she walked in the door, due to lack of human contact for 48 hours. So everyone pray that she doesnt get my phantom flu that kicked my ass. And being addicted to bloody marys comes in handy. Because when youre too sick to go to the store and get orange juice- tomato juice has 120% of your vitamin C in it, even without the vodka! who knew?

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