Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What NEXT?

okay, so after the false fire alarms, the hoarding cat lady, and then me breaking the front door, I thought I had a break from shenanigans at forward management. but no, thats not the case.

My ol' buddy Rory came through and checked out everyones toilets the other day to see if they were functioning. we were given a survey to fill out; poor, satisfactory, or good. how were the toilets working? then were instructed to leave it on the bathroom vanity. well... some drunk at my house circled poor, and also wrote a nasty gram about the AC being broken. which is true. Im going to fry this summer. The AC is barely a cool breeze, and i dont even have an AC unit in my room. So come june, im going to put my king sized bed in my living room... studio style. and put my couch in my bedroom.

Anyway, so Rory comes to check out my AC yesterday... he didnt fix the fucking thing. but i got yet ANOTHER NOTE. stating " I'll try to figure out where your screen went."

thanks a fucking lot rory. You better pray I dont fall out of my living room window or your ass is grass. I learned I had no window screen the hard way... when i let Hamel sleep on my couch with the windows open... woke up the next day to bugs, gnats, and skeeters swarming her. it was a sight to see.

Stay tuned everyone... as this tom foolery unfolds. Where exactly is my window screen? And maybe i should cut a hole in my bedroom to let more cool air pass through.

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