Thursday, May 6, 2010

post cinco de mayo blues

scott: "you look really hungover this morning:
me: "excuse me?"
scott: "I mean usually when you're hungover, you dont look it. but you do today."
me: "you know why I look hungover?"
scott: "no"
me: "Because im fucking hungover, thats why"


We've had a good run together. It started when i was 21, and would take 5 shots of cuervo a night on the top level of brothers bar... to make all the men look better. Then in vegas, when i swore i wouldnt need training wheels for my patron, but turned out i needed the salt and lime more than ever. So last night, you attack. giving me googley eyes, and making me spy on my deaf neighbor while hissing at her cat from outside the window. Good thing she couldnt hear me ridiculing her pussy.

tequila, stop it. 1 margarita, 2 margaritas, 3 margaritas....i forget it all. i forgot to put on make up today, and deodorant. sorry to all my co-workers, because now I smell and have you, tequila, coming out of my pores.

fuck off. my head wont stop spinning.

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