Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Its my kinda party

Jason Aldean's "My Kinda Party" is one of my favorite songs right now. But does he really party on a jacked up tailgate?

My Kinda Party consists of:

Hot aaron Rodgers Lookalikes
All flavors of 3 olives vodka and mixers at my disposal
silver foxes
a vegas penthouse
4 inch stilettos
glitter eyeshadow
The itsy bitsy move.

Monday, February 14, 2011


On Saturday the gold bullet ended up at the Drafthouse in Verona, WI. Everytime I've gone to the drafthouse, I love the atmosphere and the crowd. Saturday night was quite different. While Hamel and I were chairdancing to "Dirty Bit" and drinking painfully strong cheap vodka 7's, I couldn't help but people watch. First of all, why was everyone dressed like they just left the office? And they were at Happy Hour, not out for a crazy saturday night? And second of all, that bar is the married man hangout. Maybe its because Verona men are loaded and a tad snobbish, but their rings were like gigantic, shiny baubles. No simple wedding bands here.

Or maybe wedding rings to me all look like shiny baubles. I dont care for them. At this point in my life...

So instead of hitting on them, I sat there with Hamel and proceeded to tell her that if my sim was at the bar, she would be complimenting their personality, asking them their astrological sign, then typically she would make out with them. No matter how inappropriate it is. Then she gets slapped by the dude's wife. I wish I was a sim.

Thanks Aaron

Thank you for the Super Bowl win. You gave us wisco folks another reason to drink heavily and celebrate (im still celebrating, and probably will be all month). You have helped mend my broken heart over Brett. Im still not over it, but I have faith that you will have a great legacy and a long career with the Packers. Also, thanks for the halftime score, because I won $50 on my pool from it and in turn bought shots on Sunday. I didnt have faith in you for the first couple seasons, can you blame me for being apprehensive? You're just a baby, not a silver fox like Brett.
Being in Vegas for the game vs the Bears was the turning point when I decided to have faith in you, and you pulled through for us.
ps: Thank you for cutting your hair and being hot. You give usually normal looking men a shot at a girl. The guy I kissed Saturday night looked "just like you" . or thats what I thought at the time.

yuck. happy VD

Today I am wearing black. At least my nails are painted red.

I am not a fan of Valentines Day. I havent been for years. It was fun back in grade school; buying the 30 pack of valentines with the cheap candy attached, and trading them with all of your classmates. Hoping the boy you like put a couple hearts on the back of it next to his name.

The last time I went out for Valentines Day was with my brother, his wife, and my brothers co-worker. I got flowers sent to work , and then went to dinner at night. My sister in law and I both got sick at dinner, and then I went home to bed.

Maybe cupid isn't going to strike this year...however I do have a hot date with Sara and the stoner 18 year olds in my criminology class tonight.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shorehouse, approved!

S and I got the place, were moving in May 1st- any weekenders that want to stay and play, let us know. The revolving door is being installed as we speak

Fuck you very much

Just when I thought my bank couldn't get any more ridiculous, the unthinkable happened.

It got even more ridiculous.

A couple weeks ago I noticed a weird charge on my account, for $2.50 for "paper statement fee". wtf? So i sign up for paperless statements, which I didnt even know MSB did since theyre living in the stoneage and still balancing my accts by quill and ink.

I moved a week ago today, and had my mail all set up to forward to my new address. Well what do you know, today I got a personal email asking me to please change my address on the online address change form, since my monthly statement got returned to them in the mail. While logging in to my acct, I noticed another shady charge. $5.00 for "returned statement fee"

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. postage isnt 5 dollars, the paper isnt 5 dollars, what the fuck. I have never been so mad. So dear MCFARLAND STATE BANK- I have been a customer with you since i was 5 years old and had my piggy bank through you. Now you charge me $10 a month just to have a checking account, and now you charge me for basically breathing.

This is a big ol' fuck you to MSB. I will be changing banks immediately.

"Valentimes Day" 2011

Ok, I'm sure if you search back to Feb last year around this time, I prob did a post about this, but since it's that time of year I will again state my feelings about this wretched day. I HATE Valentines Day. Yeah, you think I say that bc I'm single, oh not so. I have been in relationships for many Valentines Day , and either way it's a stupid over-commercialized day. I never understood why you need a day to say "I love you" shouldn't you do that all year long? Whenever I got flowers on that day I was not impressed, I wanted them on a random day "just because", not bc you had to. So all this lame cheezy shit I see out I just cringe. F off Cupid.

Friday, February 4, 2011

new Summerfest artist announced...

For those who know me, I take Summerfest very seriously. I have to go every year, maybe twice the same week. My favorite part is waiting for the artists to be announced and slowly trickle in. So far Toby Keith and Katy Perry have been announced. I saw Toby at summerfest a couple years ago on his birthday when he was drunk off whiskey. It was a GREAT show.

I must say I cringed when I saw they announced SUGARLAND to headline at the Marcus Ampitheater. Jennifer Nettles sounds like a drunk cat... if you were to step on its tail. Or maybe she just drank a glass of tar, thats not quite dry. Maybe she was in a maple syrup chugging contest like the dudes in super troopers. And her partner with his giant styrafoam taco hat doesnt help the situation. Move over you two, lets get some more exciting acts on stage. I vote for Stevie Nicks or Pitbull.

Sims 3 update

I caved.

For some reason that sims blog yesterday got Sara and I talking about how we're addicted to the Sims. So I downloaded Sims 3 from EA.com (yes i paid for it) After an hour of downloads/updating, I purchased a trailer for my sim and created her personality:
(kinda sounds like me doesnt it?)
The best part about Sims 3 vs Sims 2 is that you can create all of the features and outfits in depth, adding tattoos and other stuff. That took at least an hour of my time, making the perfect sim. After I was done, Tenzey McAdams looks exactly like J-WoWW. How fitting. She keeps quitting her job, hitting on married men, and getting drunk at ridiculous times of the day. I like Tenzey. I think shes me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


The hold music with Radiology Scheduling sounds just like the music when you're building a house on Sims 2. I SO wish i had a pc with a cd rom drive so i could sit there and let the food rot and burn down the houses... while adopting 100 dogs from the petshop. God, Im a hoarder.

I cant stop watching this.

Hedonism II In Jamaica with Hedo Rick - Watch more Funny Videos


Seems to me the "Like" is taking over the world. It now replaces even a simple "hi" on your Facebook wall. Just for fun over the snowday I liked every post people posted on my newsfeed for an hour. It was so easy, I don't even need to be original and post anything myself, it just shows up that I care bc I liked it. So from now on, I'm going to not post and just "like" everything.

Checked my Gmail

and got a tempting offer.

"24 dollars a night sun-thursday, 65 dollars a night weekends at the Excalibur. VIP check ins and free upgraded rooms"

My previous Vegas trip on 1-21-11 to 1-25-11 consisted of:
I can smell the cigarettes and red wine right now. Making friends with anyone who will listen to me, and playing Keno all day on 20 bucks. Sweet talking the bartender into that extra olive, and drunk dialing home. Taking one hour drunk catnaps when im on the verge of blacking out, and screaming "GO PACKERS" to everyone that walks past me at the casino. Literally dancing my ass off at Gold Diggers, then getting screamed at by the soup nazi for dancing without shoes.

I miss you vegas. I will see you in September.

Who want's a plant?

This Poor plant keeps getting moved around, doorway to Doorway. I guess this office is now Goodwill. This has been going on a good month now.

death my pretzel

I threw a chocolate covered pretzel over my partition and whacked Tara in her good shoulder (assuming her other one is bad?) since i caught her on the internet...

She screams "OWWWWWW" then turns around, scowls, then picks it up and dusts it off and replies "do you think its ok to eat?"


I am wearing black from head to toe (boots to headband) and I blame it on the fact that I got dressed in the dark. Until I got called out that I dress like this even when its light out

I have put too much cherry chapstick on ... to the point where i basically ate it for breakfast because my lips are so saturated with it. What can I say, im waiting for Katy Perry to come visit me at work.

Im scowling at my co-worker because she's slurring and I dont understand a damn word she says. I need to invest in Rosetta Stone, the "i smoked crack as a child"-ese. Thats now a language.

Im scared for Anderson Cooper, and fear for his safety in Cairo. I have a soft spot for Silver foxes.

I look like i have sexhead today... except theres one major discrepancy. you figure that out

The Shore house

S and I are currently waiting to hear back on our application for our next chapter in our lives: The Shorehouse. Yes there will be a duckphone, and a revolving door installed in back. Many people say that we shouldnt move in together, that it may damage our friendship. I say, Keep hating. The more you hate on me , the more i retaliate.

We are both independent open minded people. If theres a problem, it will be spoken about. We have an understanding. We aren't needy and will not be upset about time spent with each other or lack of. So I think I've come up with some roommate rules that we both will live by.


1. No food stealing.

2. dont stab me in bed in the middle of the night.

3. We bartered. Parking space for biggest closet. Enough said.

4. the place needs to be big enough for guest(s). and T-shirt stealing is preferred.

Teach me how to bucky?

5. No passing judgement with anything going on behind closed doors. What happens at the shorehouse, stays at the shorehouse.

6. if you get knocked up, move out.

7.Daydrinking is not looked down upon,its encouraged.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Currently torturing myself with

Toddlers and Tiaras. Why the hell am I watching this nonsense? the best part is the obsessive compulsive fat washed up stage moms. half of them are jealous that their 4 year old is gonna be prettier than they ever were. Ouch, that hurts.

Summer concert Line-up

So Far...

Kenny Chesney and Zac Brown Band at Lambeau Field

Katy Perry @ Summerfest

my 2 day heehaw fest in Iowa -- to see Jason Aldean on thursday night, and Lady Antebellum Friday night.

T Swift and Lady Gaga are also touring this summer... we'll see how many we can squeeze in


some whore in the office I work at gave me the sneezes. Yes I diagnosed myself with the sneezes. So now im wondering what the cure is for it? I tried lots of water, it didnt help. nyquil is making me lose my mind. so i think ill add fuel to the fire and drink some red wine to put myself to sleep. What an eventful snowday I had.

Last night I unpacked all of my trash bags of clothes and filled both closets with ease. But I forgot that I had 8 loads of laundry to do. I did them today, and now have a mountain of clothes with no home. And i was online shopping tonight. smart .

(i promise ill give some clothes away)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


my co-worker screaming at me from across her partition


that was almost like the time she threatened to call security on me because i was singing a Rick James song...

suck it bitch.

with the upcoming snow day...

I wish I had kids, so I could use them as an excuse for not coming in. But since I have no children(thank god) I will use my dogs as an excuse. Here's my email in to work -

"McFarland schools are canceled. I will be home with the girls, and Keila has a fever of 102 and cant be around other kiddos at daycare. sorry for the inconvenience."

If only...

moving day

Moving day is horrible. Old things are found that you want to forget about, and you realize what kind of hoarder you are. For example, I came to realize that I hoard many things:
baked beans
canned mushrooms.

I always think " i dont have that much stuff" and that it will be easy. First off, I dont recommend drinking heavily before packing. Things get broken, refridgerated items end up with bedding, and boxes get packed way TOO heavy. Industrial strength trash bags are a godsend (the ones that the cops and firefighters sell for fundraisers) because boxes get wet and nasty.

I hired 2 men and a truck to help move. they are an absolute godsend. Had everything packed, moved, and stored into my storage unit in less than 2 hours. Besides the pick up lines like "has anyone ever told you that you look like Deena from Jersey Shore?" or the best one "okprintyournamesignhereanddatewritedownyourphonenumberifyouwantmetocall."

Then the vacuum cleaner that was a wedding gift literally blew up in flames and was smoking throughout the hallways of the projects that I live in. Maybe that is a sure sign that my marriage and my vacuum just didnt want to work, and would rather spontaneously combust.

Thank god my brother was there and ran down the hallway with the smoking vacuum only to be faced with the biggest spider aka the baby bat swinging like a pendulum in the doorway. He almost burst into flames with the vacuum because he was too scared to run thru the doorway.

Now im living out of trashbags, and a clusterfuck of boxes filled to the brim with JUNK. I have no underwear on and dirty clothes on because thats all i could find. I have located the basics (toothbrush,deodorant,contacts,hairbrush) and i cant be asked to do much more. Yes, im a "ragamuffin" today and im damn proud of it.

did you know that a ragamuffin is a breed of cat?