Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fuck you very much

Just when I thought my bank couldn't get any more ridiculous, the unthinkable happened.

It got even more ridiculous.

A couple weeks ago I noticed a weird charge on my account, for $2.50 for "paper statement fee". wtf? So i sign up for paperless statements, which I didnt even know MSB did since theyre living in the stoneage and still balancing my accts by quill and ink.

I moved a week ago today, and had my mail all set up to forward to my new address. Well what do you know, today I got a personal email asking me to please change my address on the online address change form, since my monthly statement got returned to them in the mail. While logging in to my acct, I noticed another shady charge. $5.00 for "returned statement fee"

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. postage isnt 5 dollars, the paper isnt 5 dollars, what the fuck. I have never been so mad. So dear MCFARLAND STATE BANK- I have been a customer with you since i was 5 years old and had my piggy bank through you. Now you charge me $10 a month just to have a checking account, and now you charge me for basically breathing.

This is a big ol' fuck you to MSB. I will be changing banks immediately.

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