Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Valentimes Day" 2011

Ok, I'm sure if you search back to Feb last year around this time, I prob did a post about this, but since it's that time of year I will again state my feelings about this wretched day. I HATE Valentines Day. Yeah, you think I say that bc I'm single, oh not so. I have been in relationships for many Valentines Day , and either way it's a stupid over-commercialized day. I never understood why you need a day to say "I love you" shouldn't you do that all year long? Whenever I got flowers on that day I was not impressed, I wanted them on a random day "just because", not bc you had to. So all this lame cheezy shit I see out I just cringe. F off Cupid.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed 100%, it is so annoying and only profits Halmark, florists and candy company's. Random acts are so much better than being prompted by a ridiculous holiday.
