Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Shore house

S and I are currently waiting to hear back on our application for our next chapter in our lives: The Shorehouse. Yes there will be a duckphone, and a revolving door installed in back. Many people say that we shouldnt move in together, that it may damage our friendship. I say, Keep hating. The more you hate on me , the more i retaliate.

We are both independent open minded people. If theres a problem, it will be spoken about. We have an understanding. We aren't needy and will not be upset about time spent with each other or lack of. So I think I've come up with some roommate rules that we both will live by.


1. No food stealing.

2. dont stab me in bed in the middle of the night.

3. We bartered. Parking space for biggest closet. Enough said.

4. the place needs to be big enough for guest(s). and T-shirt stealing is preferred.

Teach me how to bucky?

5. No passing judgement with anything going on behind closed doors. What happens at the shorehouse, stays at the shorehouse.

6. if you get knocked up, move out.

7.Daydrinking is not looked down upon,its encouraged.

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