Thursday, April 29, 2010

my life without facebook...and now, no internet?

I never thought the day would come that I would be turning more and more into my hippie brother, Tony. But sadly, its happening.

So we all know I got rid of Facebook. best thing that ever happened to me. But now im faced with my newest challenge: No internet at all, after 430pm. (work hours)

This wasn't by choice. My stupidass neighbor wised up and got a password for their wireless internet.. So that has left me trying to hack in to the other 10 networks, such as "your mom is a slut", "Land of the Lorax", and "monkeyballs".

I try the word "cat" or "cats" for everyone's password, as they're all creepy cat lovers. Because you know 1 is never enough!!! gross!

Now I have PLENTY of time to watch old stuff on Ondemand, mostly Intervention and Dog the Bounty Hunter...

But once im done watching that, the boredom will kick in. Gee, maybe I need a hobby. I think I'll start painting again, or *gasp* maybe cave and get a gym membership? Stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. oooohhh anytime is right by your house....then we could work out together!
