Monday, April 5, 2010

an open letter to moms

I don't know how to say this nicely. I guess there really is no nice way to say it, so here goes.
Do you really need to breastfeed in public? REALLY? do you? You can't go in the bathroom and do it? or outside, if its nice out?

I was out to lunch this weekend with my family, and cousins who I havent seen in years. But my aunt and I couldn't even eat, because we were so distracted and disgusted by the lady at the table right next to us, breastfeeding her kid... who first off looked too old to be doing it in the first place. No blanket to cover up her lady bits... just ALL out there. And even worse, her teenage son was right across the table from her witnessing it all.

Her other 300000 kids were running around throwing wooden blocks and screaming at the top of their lungs while she shoved her face with scone and breastfed her 4 year old (ok that was an exaggeration)

please moms. I understand you think you're baby comes before anything or anyone in the world. But we don't think your baby is that charming, or that cute. So put your rack away, and go breastfeed out of the public eye. Because my lunch was cold and ruined thanks to you.

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