Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TV review: America: The Story of Us

Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I suck when it comes to American history. I had one semester of it in high school, and didnt pay attention, whatsoever. But the history of our great country intrigues me, and I am usually asking my mom questions about the Liberty Bell, the Civil War, and those god damn red coats.

The History Channel has started a new 8 part series called "America: the story of us" The first episode premiered Sunday night...with 2 hours packed with information, starting with the pilgrims, pocahantas, and the beginning-end of the Revolutionary War.

I was dead tired Sunday night, as it was post- trauma with the brewer game. But I was so glued to the TV, I couldnt stop watching. The first episode, "rebels" will repeat tomorrow night. I urge everyone to watch it. It was so entertaining, and I learned more in those 2 hours than I have in a long time. The show made me proud to be an american...and hate the british a little (dont tell dan)


Sunday night's episode will follow the settlers, as they trek across America to the Wild West. Settlers= Oregon Trail ...with the green screen on the Mac computers for all of my readers who were born in the 80's.

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