Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Interesting stats about airlines: do you agree?

  • United Airlines, however, wasted no time putting out a news release boasting about being sixth overall but first among the five largest U.S. global carriers. United's on-time rating of 81 percent was an improvement of nearly 10 percentage points over 2008, it said.

  • Delta ranked the worst of the big five last year, with 78.6 percent of its flights on time. Delta was ranked 12th among the 19 air carriers reporting to the government.
  • Although AirTran passengers may have been more likely to land late, the odds that their bags arrived in the right place at the right time -- and without being smashed -- were the best.
    AirTran mishandled just 1.67 bags for every 1,000 passengers last year, compared with Atlantic Southeast Airlines -- the worst -- which mishandled 7.87 bags for every 1,000 passengers, the report said.
  • Delta had the most consumer complaints, with 1.96 complaints per 100,000 enplanements in 2009, while Southwest had the fewest with just 0.21 complaints per 100,000 enplanements.

I've never flown Delta before to know indeed why it has the most consumer complaints, but I do love Southwest. Getting to pick the perfect seat is right up my alley. Far away from kids, single men with too much cologne, or old ladies with coughs. And I prefer a seat far away from the toilets, that grosses me out.

read whole article here:

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