Tuesday, February 9, 2010

your vs you're

I have a dear friend who shall remain anonymous. I'm amazed she graduated high school because her IQ is that of a goldfish. But what she lacks in book smarts, she makes up in being crazy. Not just "haha dude you're crazy" im talking batshit crazy. Stay out of the way crazy. Or how about "walk on eggshells to not flip the crazyswitch" crazy....

I understand I'm supposed to be a patient person. Which I am. Or I strive to be. When people loiter at my desk at work, I don't say anything. If people are gossiping constantly and its obnoxious, I bite my tongue. But I will NOT be patient with immature, insecure, crazy bitches who hurt people that are my blood. My friends, I am declaring WW3 on this one. Let the games begin.

ps- if i had a barf or dislike button I would use it on her. Too bad she defriended me on facebook. Because in turn, all of her recent acts have made me defriend her permanently from my life.

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