Wednesday, March 3, 2010

8 days a week.

So its a bit scary that I've gotten to know my neighbor's routines. Especially when I haven't met any of them. My neighbor on the right bangs her 4'11" boyfriend every night around 7pm. After they wash the dishes and watch Wheel of Fortune...

But my neighbor on the left is a bit of a mystery. Ive never seen her, but my mother described her as a "30 something homely cat lady" which probably describes 80% of the tenants in my place.

lets call her cat lady.

Every morning, at the crack of dawn (455am) to be exact, someone rings her doorbell. I wish I knew who they were. Maybe someones picking her up for work, maybe she orders take out every morning... maybe its her pimp. but EVERY morning I hear that doorbell and think its mine. Then i do scenarios in my head that im seriously late for work, and my friends have come to my door to wake me up. I shoot out of bed only to realize that its indeed 455 and I still have 2 hours of sleep left.

Hey cat lady, you better knock it off with your AM visitors or i'm going to disable that damn doorbell of yours.

1 comment:

  1. Just break the outside door again so they dont have to ring....
