Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the napalm bomb waiting to explode

I hate laundry. I hate laundry so much that I wait 3+ weeks to do it. And I despise it even more now that I have to drag it down a flight of stairs, through my ghetto parking lot, and then through a snow drift.
This morning after once again shoving my poor cloth hamper to the brim with sheets, socks, etc I noticed 3 different holes forming on the bottom of my dear hamper. That thing has been through the ringer. But yet I still drag, not carry the hamper to my car this morning.
I cant wait for the day that the whole bottom falls off my loving hamper and my clean clothes fly everywhere, all over the scabby steps i walk up every day. And god knows what else is in contact with it. I hope someone films the hamper bomb when it finally explodes.

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