Wednesday, March 3, 2010

why did god invent cell phones...

Or the asians, whatever.

This morning I was driving into work in the parking ramp and found a lady in a GIANT gold SUV trying to back into a spot while clucking on her cell phone. She was in the middle of both lanes, taking her sweet time. And her phone was glued to her ear during the entire process, so she was in turn , driving with one hand. It ended up taking her a few minutes after she pulled out, pulled in, adjusted, re adjusted... I watched in awe, and wanted to open her car door and take her phone away so she could drive properly.

is anything that important that you cant put the phone down and just park? instead of making people queue up around the ramp while you talk about the muffin you had for breakfast, or so and so got really fat, or maybe your new exercise routine?

there's enough bad drivers out there..but when they're on the phone, its a disaster.

Please be aware of phone use while driving. I will blog about driving with your knees at a later date.

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