Monday, March 22, 2010

reflecting on my booze filled weekend of debauchery and don't forget-stupidity

Let me recap my day. Sunday, March 21st.

930am. Rise and shine, put on my badger red and found my phat farm shoes from sophomore year. I'm an OG. paired them with skinny jeans, im fuckin rocking it. Mustve gotten the inspiration from my night in Chicago, which I will soon blog about.

1045am. Eagle time. Bloody Mary, extra spicy, 3 baby corns instead of 2. Im feeling feisty today. Mountain dew on tap, miller lite chaser. Sue tries to talk me into the special of the day. $12.00 all you can drink UV pints. Yuck , I tell her no, I dont want to get bombed. I laugh now while typing that statement.

1200pm. bloody gone, pitchers of miller lite for $5 because we are bff with the bartenders so they were charging us for bloodys. SCORE. Badger game @ 150pm ...waiting for the Werwinski's to arrive. We have waters in front of their seats to save them... were beating old men away with clubs so they dont take the seats.

2pm. JV crew in full force. im feeling buzzed, and I decide to eat so I dont get bombed. ha.

4pm. Depressed because the badgers lost. now Im really sad/depressed/drunk.. so I start a fight with my husband via BBM. yes, i'm a bitch, and have since apologized for what is to come next.

430pm. I have now screamed at Dan, demanding a new Radley purse...for no reason in particular. Im not sure why I throw fits and pick fights with him? Maybe because he NEVER gets mad and sometimes pushing his buttons and negative attention is better than no attention at all.

500pm. I take off my rings, chug my 10th beer, and delete him from my BBM. now thats uncalled for. i tell him to get bent and leave me alone, and that If I want a purse ill hit on old men. He said fine whatever, but didnt get angry, STILL. now im drunk and acting so so mean.

(after this the timeline is screwy... so it all blurs together)

Time for a roadtrip to the Dells. Ho Chunk, then chubbys. And of course drinking the whole way there is required, and 1,2,3 im not driving. Paul is. Somehow Sara and I ended up winning @ roulette, we got a hotel room, and ended up at the strip club.

I got my first lap dance, and talked shoes and skirts with Jersey.. the snooki looking stripper who smelled like cinnamon and could actually hold a conversation. She let me come on stage with her and twirl on the pole. Every girl's dream. The first time wasn't sexy at all. I was drunk and didnt realize that the actual pole pivots and moves REALLY fast. So the second time she let me get a boost off her knee so i started way high up the pole and twirled all the way down.

It was awesome, I'm going to get a pole in my house with my husband who i've deleted off bbm and now have lost my wedding rings.

the princess passed out at the club. Security said he wouldn't kick her out because "she's got boobies. we'll let her sleep" direct quote. what a gentleman.

Now it gets really hairy. I guess we went back to the casino...dont know how we got there, and gambled some more. I love to think I can have a crazy night like im in Vegas, but only its Wisco.

woke up the next morning, not feeling like P. Diddy. Mouth tasted like I just brushed my teeth with a bottle of Jack.

I couldnt move faster than a snails pace,and Cath and I were taking turns puking. I had an ice cream cone for breakfast, and talked sara and pauls ass off the whole way home about nonsense, like Calico bunny rabbits and +1's. I got home, and I cried and cried and cried. Because I realized how disrespectful I was to the one person whos got my back and loves me more than anything.

We talk, and I cry more. I find out his work schedule is shit, and I wont see him until June. Then I really start to cry. Even though I apologized, I still feel horrible. But no matter what I did, he always forgives me. says its ok in his sweet accent and tells me he loves me.

I pass out with a snotty nose and mascara all over my face...wake up hours later to the fire alarm. Insert previous blog here.

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