Monday, March 15, 2010

Some things I brought back from Mexico....

I recently returned from a lovely week in Cancun. As we all know how much I love to people watch... here are some of the things I learned. Some poignant, some pointless but funny.

Cougar town does indeed exist. And I strive to be one of these amazing creatures one day. I cant count how many hot 40+ year old women i saw.. with Kate Gosselin haircuts and low v-neck tees that usually showed off their surgically enhanced cleavage. They come to the bar on the arm of their husband, or sugardaddy. After they get sugardaddy drunk off his arse- success! they go off to play with the 19 year old spring breakers from South Dakota. They do the old lady dance with the old lady martinis in their hands.

The work ethic between here and Mexico is completely different. At my hotel, the employees strived to make your stay the best it could be. Anything you needed, they got for you. They seemed to be quiet, hard working, and respectful people. Everyone was so eager to help you. What upset me was the lack of Americans tipping these people that work so hard. So last night I googled the minimum wage for Quintana Roo, the state that Mexico is in. its 54.47 pesos per day. That's less than 5 dollars a day. Could any of you live off 5 bucks a day? That barely covers my bloody mary on Sunday. After being in Mexico for a week... we faced reality when we landed in the Detroit airport. Dan and I chose the gourmet Taco Bell for dinner. We get up to order, and there are 4 women working... but none of them even care that we're there. they're laughing away, and snorting like i do after a couple beers. They're talking about their babydaddys, swearing like sailors, and talking about how drunk they got last night. I instantly knew we were now in America. it was so fitting.

you can never eat too much seafood. I ate some of the best seafood in my life while being down there. Everything is so fresh, and 10 times the size of shrimp you would get here in Wisco. The live lobsters weren't in a tank, but they were in a net, still down in the ocean in their habitat. they were happy lobsters. and they tasted happy too.

I need to start an adults-only airline. People! DON'T travel with kids until they are self sufficient. I can't tell you how many times I tried to doze off to sleep only to have my seat kicked and kneed by some little shit on a sugar high. Then when he got bored coloring, he started to cry. In my ear. On the way home, the Austrian guy next to me had a bright idea. It was Gunnar, me and Dan in a row. In the row in front of us, the Ed Hardy family. They were Canadian. Yikes. And they ALL HAD ED HARDY ON. like Jon Gosselin disease. from head to toe. the youngest boy was a spoiled ass brat. And he looked like the biggest nancy ever, considering he was wearing a bejeweled t-shirt.
Anytime the kid in front of him cried, or put his seat back too far.. he would swear and scream at the kid in Austrian and slap the back of the seat so hard that the kid then flew into the seat in front of him. I think he slapped Timmy's seat so hard once that all of the jewels on his Ed Hardy hat flew off. I loved this guy. Even though he smelled like sauerkraut and the only english he knew was "coca-cola" it was great.

I still love my husband after spending 7+ days straight with him. I felt my relationship with Dan being tested during the last couple days of my trip...because we don't live together yet and we have never been alone for that long of a time together. So the little things that I didn't notice before all came out this week. I now have learned that his nose runs after a bottle of wine. But instead of blowing his nose, he just sniffles. all night long. That sometimes when he washes his hands, he just uses hot water, not soap. When we eat, he needs to have a knife AND a fork, or he won't function properly. he just cant eat without it being proper. He slurps his drinks through a straw until there is not a drop left...and its REALLY loud.
On top of the little quirks he has, I noticed the super nice, little things that no one else would do for me. He let me have the window seat, every flight we were on. He still opens the door for me. He made my screwdrivers for me every morning before I could even open my eyes all the way because i was so tired. and when i was so sunburned and couldnt move.. he got me aloe vera, gummi cherries, and beer.

there is a reason that Delta Airlines has the lowest customer service rating. No free hotel rooms when they cancel your flight, no free bus ticket to get home from Chicago, when you were supposed to fly into Madison? And delays,delays,delays. I want to meet with the CEO of delta and flick him off and walk away. That was my first time flying with delta, and also my last.

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