Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If I knew then what I know now.

I will be the first to tell you that I didn't enjoy high school. Ok well I didnt hate it. But thats possibly the most scarring and scary time for any girl to go through. The only way I survived high school was because of my best friend Christy. I felt we could take on the world. And we did for that matter. Sometimes when life is starting to get stressful, I think back on high school and all of the things you THINK you know, vs what you dont know.

I thought life sucked ass at 17. I hated it. I hated my parents, because they gave me rules. I hated school, and all of the popular girls that came with it. I wasnt the popular girl. I didnt have a clique,nor was I on poms or a cheerleader. I was acquaintances with everyone, but no real friends except for Christy.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish I was 17 again. You could screw up, and your parents would always bail you out. You did something stupid, and you could blame it on your age. Life was carefree and fun. But now...who's got your back? who do you fall back on? No one. You have yourself. And if you screw up, its your own ass on the line. I cant believe the headaches I gave my parents, and the gray hairs...and i was so rude to them. I would take that all back now if I could. But all i can really do now is be the best daughter ever, and be there for them. And as far as Christy goes, well I want to stay friends with her forever. Because her and her family really molded me into the person I am today.

I wish I could sit down and have a conversation with myself as a teenager. I think I would say these things...

You will never meet your future husband @ club Amazon
Nor will you attract the right man with playboy bunny shirts and tiny skirts.
Guys will say anything to get in your pants
DO YOUR HOMEWORK. strive to be the best you can be
Find that one teacher who you connect with. Who believes in you and will push you to do better.
(my high school spanish teacher Senorita Owen era la mejor profesora!)
dont ever talk back to your parents. Respect, respect, respect. Whether you like it or not, they know whats best for you. and yes, your mom knows everything. she knows when you lie, and when you try to sneak beer out of the house.
Wear sandals to college parties, no heels. In case you need to run from the cops.

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