Monday, August 1, 2011


Ok, I don’t write about much, but when I do I feel pretty strongly about it. So here goes. Yes folks I’m PREGNANT. Along with this comes pretty annoying shit people say, and I’m kinda over it. Don’t you people have manners? Here are some examples

- “Who is the father?” Yes, people actually say this

- “You know, this is going to be really hard”. Well if you are that concerned and negative, I will call you @ at a 2am feeding.

- “Are you getting pre-natal care”? Nope, when you are not married you must not have that common sense to call up the Doctors office, you need someone that is married to tell you to do that. Idiots.

- “Wow, that’s gross”. Yeah I get that, try having that actually happen to you

- “You know, you really shouldn’t drink/eat drink that”. Thank you pregnancy police, but until you walk 10 months in my shoes, don’t judge me, regardless if you have been pregnant before. If I want sushi followed by a Mountain Dew and shot of espresso, I will. That is between me and my doctor.

- Please don’t harass my friends for information, opinions or questions. It’s not their deal, and same goes for their shit. If we really wanted to you to know the real deal you would. Yes you know who I’m talking about.

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